
Strawman - The Nature of the Cage



Season of Treason - Full (Pt 1)

Season of Treason - Americas Cancer (Pt 2)
Season of Treason - The Kings House (Pt 3)

This page is dedicated to those seeking a "cure" in removing their STRAWMAN status. This tab will be focusing a lot on the works of Tami Pepperman. She has been at the forefront of this movement for a long time and has done her due process better than anyone else, as far as i'm concerned. And she knows more about this topic than most do. 
She has been teaching people, young and old, all around the world her methods via her..
Skype: tpepperman
Facebook: Tamara Kay & tami pepperman
Various radio shows: My Private Audio:
YouTube: Tamara Kay & Bo Knows Entertainment
Tami's blog - Choose Your Side:, etc..
Some people have a harder time than others at first due to the massive brainwashing that has been indoctrinated and ingrained into them since birth. The terms, phrases and words she uses mean something completely different to you and me because we weren't taught their TRUE meanings. Law professionals in the legal/law industry call this "legalese".
When you go back and study the documents she has provided the world (located on the left side of my blog at the very top of all the links), you will come to find that the English language was created for the clergy, bankers, and lawyers, it was never meant for us common folk. And many will say that the bible is the original law book.
Tami went to college and got her "bullshit" degrees in Psychology, Political Science, and a PhD in Metaphysics. She studied law while in school and refused to take the Bar exam. She couldn't become what she had learned to loath. She took this knowledge and learned to use it against the very same system that has been systematically destroying human beings.
Here is her story... and her lessons.

Traveling Without a License Explained

The Cestui Que Vie Act - Tami Pepperman
The Cestui Que Vie Act - Tami Pepperman - Part 2
The Story of Tami Pepperman Pt 1 - on James Madison 7-3-2012
The Story of Tami Pepperman Pt 2 - on James Madison 7-3-2012
Tami Pepperman on My Private Audio 6-21-2012 Part 1
Tami Pepperman on My Private Audio 6-21-2012 Part 2
We All Have To Stand As One Right Now - Tami Pepperman
Tami Pepperman on the Snafu
Tami Pepperman on My Private Audio - August 9, 2012
Tami Pepperman Returns - The Bo & Rocko Show 8-15-2012
Tami Pepperman On These Changing Timez Radio - September 16, 2012
Tami Pepperman on The Vault: The Mark of the Beast (666) 2012
Indicting the IRS - Tami Pepperman
Know Your Boundaries - Tami Pepperman
YOU are the Surety
Tami Pepperman on Through the Looking Glasss 11-29-2012
Tami Pepperman with Shirley Moore
Tami Pepperman on the Bill Samsel Report - Immigration
Tami Pepperman - Hidden Secrets
Leaving The Pfarm With Tami Pepperman - Important Points Raised Against OPPT [02/21/2013]
Dinner With Tami & Dave: The Reconstruction
Leaving the Pfarm - the IRS is a Foreign Entity
Tami Pepperman on Open Your Mind Radio (OYM)
Human Husbandry Explained (In Less Than 3 Minutes)
The Best of Tami Pepperman - Volume 1
The Best of Tami Pepperman - Volume 2
No Borders - Tami Pepperman
The Shrinking Garden - Tami Pepperman - No Borders 8-17-2013
Commissioned Death State - No Borders 8-24-2013
The National Security Act and the Related Fallout
Special Report on Human Trafficing - Part 1
Special Report on Human Trafficing - Part 2

Human Husbandry - Tami Pepperma

All about Insurance - Tami Pepperman on Corporation Nation w. Clint Richardson

Choose Your Side - Start Here (A MUST HAVE SITE TO BOOKMARK)
Choose Your Side - Interpretations
Choose Your Side - Documents
Leaving The P=Farm with Tammy Pepperman
Tami Pepperman - Dropbox Docs

Everything Tami - Tami Pepperman (A MUST HAVE SITE TO BOOKMARK) 


28 U.S. Code Chapter 97 - Jurisdictional Immunities Of Foreign States

The Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer. circa 1180
Articles of Confederation : March 1, 1781
Charter of the United Nations; June 26, 1945
Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of Korea; October 1, 1953(1)
United States Note to Japan November 26, 1941
Atlantic Charter August 14, 1941

The Gelnhausen Charter; April 13, 1180 A.D.

Convention Between the United States of America and Other Powers, Relating to Prisoners of War; July 27, 1929
-----------------------------------------------------------The Difference Between Natural & Legal Rights


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Constitution for the united States (the "u" is purposely in lowercase) 
The Redemption Manual 4.5  
There are seminars and videos on the web that explain the process of becoming a Secured Party Creditor (private individual, sovereign, freeman), which moves you from the public domain to the private sector and allows you to discharge your debts. We are either viewed by the IRS as a Debtor or a Creditor and the private sector is where credit originates from.

Although, I, and many others, do not believe that this is the best way out, as you are still in their system & still playing by their rules. But if you want to continue to receive their benefits (e.g. Social Security, hospitals, drivers licenses, insurance, etc..) you might consider going the SPC/A4V route. 

I personally like Tami Pepperman's way the best (obliterating your Birth Certificate). Not only because you are claiming EVERYTHING back to 1666, but because you are truly a free being and the King of your castle. Whereas, if you claim everything up to the bankruptcy of the U.S., you are only getting the derivatives. 

The Certificate of Live Birth at the Health Department is the "note", NOT the souvenir "birth certificate" that has the foot prints on it. Just like the so-called Certificate of (a) Title is NOT the Manufacturer Certificate of Origin which IS THE TITLE to the car/truck, which the State/Government is the "Holder in due course."
The book or YouTube Video, 'Creature from Jekyll Island', can explain greatly to those that are interested in learning more. The Trading with the Enemy Act, back around the 1917 era, and the War Power Act of the 1930's era could also. From the Certificate of Live Birth to the Death Certificate is all involved in CONTRACTS, Uniform Commercial Code - UCC.
Every "State" has it in their Statutes/Titles (laws) and is taught in schools as "Business Law with the UCC Application" Express, Implied with TACIT UNDERSTANDING contracts are some of the contracts that are mostly used. One needs to get a Blacks Law Dictionary (located on the left side of this blog), which is used in the courts and we assume we know the definitions of the words that are being used BUT we were taught from the Webster Dictionary. United States Code, Title 28, section 3002, Definitions, subsection 15, United States means 'A Federal Corporation', etc.
What happened to the land mass that George Carlin talked about, "From sea to oily sea?"  Remember, Ignorance of the Law is no excuse or defense, they say. So, why is your name in all UPPER CASE LETTERS? Look up in the Blacks Law Dictionary, words like, STRAWMAN, Dummy, licenses, and WHY do ones have to get permission FOR EVERYTHING? Because slaves have to. Wake up America!

Everything you buy is pre-paid. When you 'buy' anything with a credit card, for example, your signature liberates the credit from the account (your STRAWMAN's account). Then when you receive your credit card statement (not a BILL). You pay the amount a second time for two reasons. 1) to keep you under the illusion that you actually pay in exchange for the item/service that you bought, even though it was already paid for when you signed for it at the cash register. 2) to provide funds to the IMF. Banks get paid twice (and this is true for any statement that you receive: utility bill, phone bill, etc.). You receive a 'Statement of Account' , not a Bill. First time with your signature, which transfers credit from your STRAWMAN to the IMF (and that's why credit card companies don't make any money per say until you default on your payment and then they're able to profit on the 'interest' generated by your late payment), and the second time when you transfer the same amount from your bank account to the bank named on your credit card. Then if you understand the fractional reserve system and the creation of money, say your credit card statement, and you 'owe' $100.00, then the bank creates $900.00 worth of loans which you provided to them by providing them your energy and hard earned 'debt money' while at the same generating more inflation and robbing and depriving you exponentially of your energy. So stop using your credit cards if possible and credit, use your debit cards if you want to make a change, no matter how insignificant you think it is.

Learn about terms like: Maritime Admiralty Law. Learn what the gold fringe around the American flag that hangs in courtrooms and some churches, means.

The United States DID go "Bankrupt" in 1933, and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and by Executive Order 6260, on March 9, 1933, under the, Trading With The Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, AS AMENDED by the Emergency Banking Relief Act, 48 Stat 1, Public Law No. 1, which is presently codified at 12 USCA 95a and confirmed at 95b. You can confirm this for yourself by reading it on "FindLaw". Congress confirmed the bankruptcy on June 5, 1933, and thereupon impaired the obligations and considerations of contracts through the "Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard And Abrogate The Gold clause, June 5, 1933" (See: HJR-192, 73rd Congress, 1st 

Capitis Diminutio Maxima (Name in ALL CAPITALS)

For purposes of understanding one's legal or commercial status under the Maritime Admiralty Law system (the law system used in England, Canada and much of the US), it is necessary to examine the curious use of ALL CAPS -Capitis Diminutio Maxima- in legal and domestic income tax forms, credit cards & statements, loans, mortgages, speeding & parking tickets, car documents, road tax, court summons, mail, drivers license, Social Security card, etc. While seemingly a trite concern, this apparently small detail has extremely deep significance for all of us!

Gage Canadian Dictionary 1983 Sec. 4 defines 'Capitalize' adj. as To take advantage of - To use to ones own advantage.

Blacks Law Dictionary – Revised 4th Edition 1968, provides a more comprehensive definition as follows.

Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) in Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.

Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.

Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) - A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.

Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.

Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away; loss or deprivation.

Capite. - Lat. By the head.

As Black's Law Dictionary explains, the full capitalization of the letters of one's natural name, results in a diminishing or complete loss of legal or citizenship status, wherein one actually becomes a slave or an item of inventory. The method, by which the State causes a natural person to "volunteer" himself into slavery, is through forming legal joinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS). Of course, most natural persons wouldn't willingly form such an unlawful but legally reductionist joinder, so trickery and obfuscation are used; and this starts when our birth certificates are created.

[The initial joinder is formed when a legal Birth Certificate is issued by the State, name in all CAPS. In fact, both the Certificate of Live Birth AND Social Security number, are for "inventory" control purposes, similar to the Amistad Schooner's manifest or those numbers or records used by legal entities or Corporations to track, account for, use and dispose of inventory.]

Due to the UK, Canada and the US being bankrupt countries, yes all these countries have been bankrupt for some time now; they all have currencies that are known as FIAT currency. In other words, all our money is worthless! There is no big Gold or Silver reserves to back it up; that was taken to the Vatican after the bankruptcy. Look on any UK banknote and you will see the words, I promise to pay the bearer. It is a promissory note, nothing more. Worthless, basically! The United States dollar bill is estimated to be worth $0.04 in today markets.

So when we are registered at birth, the government produces a fictitious corporation, a straw-man, by placing our name in all capitals. But why, I hear you ask. Well as we are a bankrupt country (just waiting to go into an economic fold – exactly what is about to happen in the US), the government needs collateral to invest and to receive loans on, so we, the people, become slaves in bondage to be used as collateral with lenders.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that still doesn’t apply! Do not make the mistake of taking advice from anyone who studies, or has studied orthodox law, as they especially will not know this. They were kept well away from this deliberately. Police do NOT know that us and them are slaves in bondage, solicitors & some lawyers do NOT know that them and us are slaves in bondage, and most government agents do NOT know either.

But the great thing is we don’t have to be. It is as easy as being knowledgeable, aware and then just politely declining their offered contract.

People That Know What Sovereignty Means

 Chief Russell-Jay: Gould

:David-Wynn: Miller

Tami Pepperman (Tamara Kay)

Bo & Rocko

Judge Dale

Chad Vance

Jody Blake

Clint Richardson

Frank O'Collins

Karl Lentz

Jordan Maxwell

Santos Bonacci

Jan Irving

Dean Clifford

John Harris (R.I.P)

Robert Menard

Marc Stevens

Adam Kokesh

William Cooper (R.I.P)

Bill Thornton

Ernie Tergetle "Mountain Man"

Peter Eugene

Peter Joseph

Ben Stewart

Daniel Stewart

Kate of Gaia

Archangel Makintosh

Druanna Johnston

Gene Keating

Winston Shrout

Doug Riddle

Jeff Anderson

Randy Stroud

Gordon Hall

Brandon Adams

Johnny Liberty

Tim Turner

Roger Elvick

Jim Marrs

Ralph Epperson

Eustace Mullins

G. Edward Griffin

David Icke

Howard Freeman

Tru Freeman

Mike Maloney

Michael Tellinger

Michael Ruppert

Jay Weidner

David Wilcock

Art Bell

John B. Wells

George Noory

Gerald Clark

Phil Schneider (R.I.P)

Peymon Mottahedeh

Fritz Springmeier

Manly. P. Hall (R.I.P)

Walter Veith

Gary H. Kah

Marcus the Servant King

Lysander Spooner

David G. Robinson

Bob Tuskin

Foster Gamble

Graham Hancock

Robert Temple 

Adrian Gilbert

Maurice Cotterell

William Bramley

Phillip Coppens (R.I.P)

Zecharia Sitchin (R.I.P)

Erik von Daniken

Lynn Pickett

Clive Prince

Henry Lincoln

Michael Baigent

Robert Bauval

John Anthony West

Anthony Sutton

Texe Marrs

John Todd

Anthony Patch

Jim Keith (R.I.P)

Constance Cumbey

Tom Horn

Mark Passio

Michael Tsarion

Rod Class Cestui Que Vie Trust Fact Check Birth Certificate Estate A4V Discharge Research


The Legal Deception of Legalese
"The Strawman Illusion" - THOMAS ANDERSON
Strawman Explained: Legal Fiction Documentary - Common Law
Vatican Cestui Que Vie trusts. The Devil wont let you go easy.
Alive Yet Dead And Lost At Sea: The Cestui Que Vie Trust
Strawman Explained - Legal Fiction Documentary - Common Law and Sovereignty
Strawman Illusion - Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory Rule of Law Explained


The Bankruptcy of America – 1933

[The following is excerpted from Judge Dale’s The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America.]
By Judge Dale, retired


The Bankruptcy of The United States
United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303

Speaker- [the late] Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: 




Slavery: Who Owns You? 


Judge Anna Von Reitz


Mary Elizabeth Croft - How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known To Man


The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666


Library of Halexandria - The U.S.Bankruptcy


Clint Richardson's Blog - Killing Your STRAWMAN, The Path To Freedom (A MUST HAVE SITE TO BOOKMARK)


Creditors In Commerce - The Redemption Process


The Nature of the Rights of the "Cestui Que Trust"


Its an Illusion: A Lecture in Law by John Harris

  UCC Codes for Dummies 101 /The Law is for Sovereigns
Mortgage Payoff
Verify Grantors Mortgage was Satisfied 
Satisfy Your Mortgage Deed
Don't Argue: Audit & Verify


Robb Ryder's Blog


Century of Enslavement - The History of The Federal Reserve
The Secrets of Oz by Bill Still 


Money Masters - History of The Federal Reserve
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 1 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 2 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 3 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 4 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 5 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 6 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 7 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 8 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 9 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 10 of 11)
Not Required To Pay Income Tax (Pt 11 of 11)
The Phantom Tollbooth
Hillary Clinton's Thesis on Saul Alinsky's Book, Rules For Radicals
Here is a list of some of the people who talk about the STRAWMAN, Redemption, A4V, UCC, Secured Party Creditors, etc..


How To Disqualify Your Judge

World Passport -- Issuance and Usage



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