To Wall Or Not?

I've been giving great thought to this wall. first and foremost, I am EXTREMELY passionate about stopping child abuse, child slavery, child torture, and child sacrifice, as well as the teens and adults. this topic is at the top of my "to expose" list. and has been for many years.

the wall would most definitely make it harder for traffickers to get them across our southern border. but what about those being trafficked through our northern borders, through boats/ships, and planes, coming in all around the country, not just the borders? granted, the flight attendants are getting better at stopping this. but the high value ones, usually don't get found because they travel by private means. the low value ones are trafficked by foot many times. and some of them don't make it.

it's a shame many people dismiss the pizzagate/pedogate stories as "fake news". they are very true and very real and for those to dismiss it as fake news because your favorite news broadcaster said it was fake news just goes to show you HOW fricken easy it is to automatically program someones mind. research operation mockingbird. meanwhile somewhere, right this very minute there is a baby or child that is being harmed or tortured or much worse killed in ways that would haunt you for the rest of your life. they can't ask for help!! so its up to us sane, caring people to speak up for them and beg you to wake the fuck up and research it.

start by reading Trance Formation of America, and then be sure to read Access Denied for Reasons of National Security. they were written by a CIA MKULTRA/Monarch sex slave, Cathy O'Brien and her late rescuer/husband, Mark Phillips. Trance WAS NOT originally written for the publics eyes to see. instead it was written AND submitted to EVERY SINGLE member of Congress. Access, is the result of Trance and goes into more detail about her precious daughter, Kelly - who, btw, is a great inspiration to mankind.


[too] many politicians, government officials, judges/attorneys, law enforcement officers, clergymen n women, actors/directors, singers/managers, comedians, artists, philanthropist's, CEO's are straight up Satanists that paint themselves as God fearing Christians. heck, some even straight up give glory to Satan, as highlighted in a plethora of YT videos.

and many are transgendered, hence the finger over the mouth in many of their pics. they've got an out in the open secret, and they're all laughing at your stupidity or lack of knowledge. all the way to the bank. the "unknowings" are making them rich.

now that Donald Trump is in office, and is attempting to round them up, as he should, they are doing EVERYTHING in their powers to stop him by any means necessary.

the wall would also make it harder to bring drugs in. now, our own government, care of the CIA, gets around that through corrupt port officials.. but it would definitely slow it down. the same goes for guns and other illegal contraband.

okay, so the wall IS a great idea for keeping bad people out of our country. but, what if, later down the road, say 50 years from now, all hell brakes loose? we now have NO way out and are trapped.. what then?

society, ALL around the world, needs to wake up! stand up for those that can't! speak up for those that can't! and defend the innocent ones!! because the "things" at the top of the food chain have VERY bad plans for humanity and if we don't bring their house of cards down now, we won't be able to escape our really horrible fate..

the future generations are counting on us all.

p/s ~ if you or someone you know is being trafficked, please contact my friend, Lois Lee (founder of Children of The Night).

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